Donnelly students

Transfer Admissions

We’re happy you’re considering transferring to Donnelly. Our individualized approach will help make your transition and the rest of your college career as smooth and enjoyable as possible.

Below is the information you need to become a Donnelly student. We will see you on campus soon!


Simply start by filling out our free online application.

Complete Admissions Checklist

Here is your checklist to complete before classes begin. Don’t stress yourself out! Please reserve three weeks to complete this process little by little. Some checklist items could vary depending on your situation.

View Checklist

Transfer Credits

Course work completed at an accredited institution of higher education with a grade of C or better will generally be accepted at Donnelly College. Each transcript will be evaluated individually. Official transcripts must be submitted directly from other colleges or universities to Donnelly’s registrar:

Office of the Registrar
Donnelly College
608 N. 18th St.
Kansas City, Kansas 66102

Donnelly maintains approved and updated articulation agreements with the other accredited colleges and universities in Kansas City and the surrounding region. Special transfer agreements have also been established in particular cases.

Transfer equivalency list can be found here.  
  IB - Intl Baccalaureate
  AP - Adv Placement


Complete your Bachelor's at Donnelly with the ABC Program 

Our Associate to Bachelor's Completion (ABC) Program is designed to allow students the opportunity to reduce the cost of education while competing a high quality and flexible bachelor's degree. Check out our ABC programs with Kansas City Kansas Community College, Johnson County Community College and Metropolitan Community College.

KCKCC Logo          

JCCC logo

Need more information? Contact:

Donnelly Admissions
(913) 621-8706